Vegan fajitas, made with seitan and veggies. They’re so tasty, satiating, easy to prepare and delicious with some tortillas and your favorite toppings.
I’ve been obsessed with these vegan fajitas, the recipe is so simple, they’re extremely flavorful, and they make a wonderful plant-based dinner. I could eat them all day long, though!
A fajita in Tex-Mex and Mexican cuisine is any grilled meat that is served as a taco on a flour or corn tortilla, which is usually cooked with onions and bell peppers and served with other condiments.
Continue reading Vegan Fajitas at Simple Vegan Blog.
Vegan fajitas, made with seitan and veggies. They’re so tasty, satiating, easy to prepare and delicious with some tortillas and your favorite toppings.
I’ve been obsessed with these vegan fajitas, the recipe is so simple, they’re extremely flavorful, and they make a wonderful plant-based dinner. I could eat them all day long, though!
A fajita in Tex-Mex and Mexican cuisine is any grilled meat that is served as a taco on a flour or corn tortilla, which is usually cooked with onions and bell peppers and served with other condiments.
Continue reading Vegan Fajitas at Simple Vegan Blog.